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Wall oven VS Freestanding: what’s best for me?

By September 15, 2016No Comments

Kitchens have always served as a hub for communication and connectivity within our homes.

They’re where our families meet morning, noon and night, but more and more often now, kitchens are transforming into style centres of our homes.

We’re going to look at one of the fundamental aspects of a kitchen – the oven and cook top – determining some of the PROS and CONS to assist you in deciding which option will be best for inclusion in your new home.

Examining both built in wall ovens and freestanding ovens, there are definite pros and cons with regards to space, look and functionality that come with the installation of both, all of which are worth considering if you are stuck as to which way to go in your kitchen.



The built in wall oven has evolved quite significantly from a space saving kitchen feature to a design element which adds ultra-modern style to your food preparation.


Installing a wall oven will allow for ample storage space below your bench top, and is a great option if you are looking for more draws or cupboards to be placed where they will be easily accessible during food preparation.

Wall ovens that are often combined with a microwave, especially in the installation of double, side-by-side wall ovens, also remove the need for an additional appliance taking up room on the bench space.

Double, side-by-side wall ovens are a trend which is coming to feature quite prominently now in award-winning home designs for both functionality as well as class and style.

If you’re looking to combine your appliances to allow for a less cluttered bench top, a wall oven may the perfect solution for you.



wall-oven-5Of course you’ll still need a cooktop or hotplate that will stand alone from the wall unit for stove top cooking.

Electric, ceramic hotplates add a smooth look and feel to the aesthetics of your kitchen, fitting in seamlessly with a sleek and simple design.

For the more serious chef who may prefer a gas cooktop, some of the sleek style may be lost with the installation of a bulkier gas fixture, however the payoff comes in achieving a level functionality that suits the individual home owners needs.



A wall oven and separate cooktop, either gas or electric, provides many home builders with the preference they are after; a gas cook top and an electric oven.

The top, bottom and all throughout heating mechanisms that can be chosen between, mean different styles of cooking, from baking to grilling, can all be achieved in the one appliance.

A wall oven also provides convenience in that that are able to be installed at any chosen height, and require no bending to check food, as they are most commonly installed at hip or eye level.

It is important to note that moving or changing a wall oven will be costly and time consuming, as the fit out is far more complicated than that of a freestanding model.



A freestanding oven provides what is typically a more traditional cooking setup for the home; built in to the bench space with a stovetop above the oven for the convenience of having all outlets in close proximity.



When it comes to freestanding ovens it is important to remember a freestanding unit will not sit flush with the rest of the space, so if seamless visual integration is a must a freestanding oven may not be for you.

Though one of the huge benefits of a freestanding oven spatially is that it can be easily moved around and swapped; a convenience that is lacking on an in-built wall oven. Because of this, freestanding ovens are also far easier to repair should anything malfunction.

The typical 900mm width is also great for the majority of kitchen spaces, and will never look too big or too small compared to the other fittings making up your space.



The commonly used 900mm freestanding oven, as previously mentioned is what we are used to seeing in homes predating the 1990s, and can provide a more traditional feel to your kitchen, if ultramodern isn’t the look you are after.

However, considering the huge range of freestanding ovens now on the market, it doesn’t at all mean installing a freestanding oven will make your home look dated, and can actually prove a great feature in adding a homelier touch to your kitchen.



Freestanding ovens have been a fundamental aspect of Australian kitchens for many decades, so their cooking capabilities and functionality need not be questioned.

However, when it comes to cleaning a freestanding, crumbs tend to get caught between bench space and the side of the oven, and this area can often prove difficult to keep tidy.


If you are still unsure about the best option for your new home or renovation, speak to the team at PAH Innovative Construction today!


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